ETF investing Investing

Choosing your ETF funds

Is your investment strategy clear? Do you have a long investment horizon? Are you confident that you have the risk tolerance to invest in equities? If the answer to these questions is yes, you’re ready to choose your equity ETF funds. This entry aims to help you find the right ones. Before you start This…Continue readingChoosing your ETF funds

ETF investing Investing Tax optimization Taxes

Accumulating vs distributing ETFs

An efficient ETF portfolio will help you build net worth faster. There are many attributes to look at when choosing an ETF. Examples are tracking index, TER, fund size, bid-ask spread, domicile and legal aspects (e.g. UCITS). This entry focuses on yet another important consideration: the choice of accumulating vs distributing ETFs. Accumulating vs distributing…Continue readingAccumulating vs distributing ETFs

ETF investing Investing Investing theory

FX exposure and currency-hedged ETFs

More than half of the world’s equity market is American [1]. This makes it very common to invest in funds holding American companies. These companies trade in USD. Most earn revenues in multiple currencies: USD, JPY, EUR, CNY etc. On top of that, the fund itself may trade in CHF or EUR. How does it…Continue readingFX exposure and currency-hedged ETFs

ETF investing Investing Tax optimization Taxes

Why invest in US domiciled ETFs

For most Swiss investors, it’s best to invest in US domiciled ETFs. At least to invest in equities. This entry will try to convince you of this statement. We’ll see why US domiciled funds are arguably a better alternative than Irish, Luxembourgish or Swiss counterparts. Five arguments for US domiciled ETFs Broadly speaking, there are…Continue readingWhy invest in US domiciled ETFs

ETF investing Investing Investing theory Tax optimization Taxes

The impact of TER and taxes on long term returns

One of the biggest realizations that I had when I first started my investing journey is the huge impact that small changes have over the long run. I don’t think I’m alone on this one. The compounding effect (or how things ‘stack up over time’) is counter-intuitive and relatively easy to underestimate. In this entry…Continue readingThe impact of TER and taxes on long term returns

ETF investing Investing Tax optimization Taxes

Tax optimization for your ETF portfolio

Optimizing taxes for your ETF portfolio makes a difference. If you have a long investment horizon and invest heavily in ETFs, this entry is a must-read. The higher the share of your net worth ETFs represent, the more important tax optimization becomes. In fact, optimizing your ETF portfolio could be your biggest tax lever to…Continue readingTax optimization for your ETF portfolio